Stud Services
“PR” Timber Chopper Cyrus
January 4, 2004
Sire: CH “PR” Timber Chopper Pine Meadow Bo
Dam: “PR” Bosley’s Country Music
Cyrus was originally sold as an eight week old puppy to Mr.
Reed in the Midwest. Long story short, Cyrus started treeing
raccoons in his back yard keeping Mr. Reed and the neighbors
awake. I received a call from Mr. Reed asking me to take
Cyrus back before he was asked to leave the neighborhood.
I took Cyrus back and shortly afterwards Eric Norris took
Cyrus and made him into a Night Champion. Eric then sold
Cyrus to Roger and Jason, and they made him a Grand Nite
Champion and qualified him for the UKC World Hunt in 2008.
Needless to say, I was delighted when the Shabels agreed to
sell Cyrus back to me. Cyrus is an outstanding track and
tree dog, second to none. His record speaks for itself and
he is now producing outstanding offspring. If you want the
best, you should breed to Cyrus or purchase a pair of his
Invest in the future!
Click picture for pedigree.
'PR' Timber Chopper Kobie
Born: March
26, 2006
Sire: GRNITE GRCH’PR’ Huss’ Last Chance Skunk
Dam: ‘PR’ Timber Chopper Polly
Kobie was sold as a pup and was purchased
back as an outstanding young bear dog in
2008.In 2007
Kobie was in an approximately 30 bear chases
and trees together. Accompanying
picture shows Kobie in
with Mr. Bear up the tree. We are
crossing Kobie on some our females and
believe we should get some outstanding young
pups. If you are in the Big Game World
these pups should do great! Never have
I ever had a dog with the voice that Kobie
Click picture for pedigree.
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"PR" Timber Chopper Rus
Born: October 13, 2006
Sire: GRNITECH "PR" Timber Chopper Cyrus
Dam: GRCH GRNITECH "PR" Timber Chopper Macy
Rus is an outstanding NITECH with great conformation. His pups will
be outstanding track and tree dogs.
His sire, as
of 11/17/11, is the number 7 top producing
male in the nation.
Click picture for pedigree.
Frozen Semen Only
'PR' Timber Chopper Pine Meadow
Born: March 8, 1996
Sire: NITECH CH PR Rutter's Pine Meadow Amos
Dam: NITECH PR Wilborn's Red Dolly
Click picture for pedigree. |

Frozen Semen Only
2001 ACHA World Champion NT CH CH ‘PR’
Fireball’s Timberchoppin Dan
Born: May
19, 1998
Sire: Melton's Tennessee Red Man
Dam: Townsend's Red Queen
first Redbone to win the World Championship
in 50 years!
We congratulate Joe
Melton for breeding such a superb coon
dog. Dan is a well-bred Timber Chopper/
Fireball dog. He is 65 pounds, dark red
with a black muzzle. Dan has a loud die
hard locate that changes over to a nice hard
chop on tree. He is a stay put, split
pressure tree dog who is very accurate. It
doesn’t matter what the weather is, Dan is
going to get treed. He is all go an no come
back until Mr. Coon is treed.
Snowy River’s Silver Dollar
Date of Birth: 3/08/03
Sire: GRNITECH GRCH “PR” Brights Hidollar Dancer
Dam: GRCH “PR” Scoggin’s High Class Hannah
Among Dollar's bloodlines are GRNITECH GRCH
Cypress Brake Setum Up Ace and GRNITECH GRCH Three
Time Albert. A better pedigree is hard to find.
Black & Tan bear dog at its best! Dollar is an outstanding
strike dog on bear who knows his job. He loves to jump
up on the rig box and he is a strike dog second to none.
His grand
sire, GRNITECH GRCH "PR" Cypress Brake Setum Up Ace, is
historically the number 1 reproducer in the nation as of
Click picture for pedigree. |
Stud fee is $400-$800. Negative Brucellosis
certification is required. Dogs to be bred at our kennels can be either
brought in or shipped in. (We are approximately 45 minutes
from the Richmond International Airport). Chilled and Frozen
Semen available. Our vet has stored frozen semen, and
chilled semen is available for shipment within a short
notice. Please call for pricing. Vet charges on your end
vary from region to region. Even if your vet has never been
involved in artificial insemination, our vet
can walk them through it with ease.